Get your pressing power system and van conversion questions answered so you can successfully complete your project with speed and skill.
Example topics discussed on past calls:
- System troubleshooting - solve mysterious shutdown
- Solar power system setup review + connect alternator power to Zendure solar generator
- How to add shore power to an existing system that has solar + alternator power
- Review electrical schematic and cabinet layout, discuss component selection + breaker / wire sizes
After checkout you will be able to select a date and time from the automated scheduler (you can pick a time right after checkout, or come back when you know a good time in your schedule).
Availability is:
- Thursdays: 9am-5pm
- Fridays: 9am-5pm
- Saturdays: 9am-5pm
* U.S. Central Standard Time
A few final things:
These are video (Zoom style) calls and you can do them on your phone if you need to show your installation or go outside, etc.
After you purchase the call, there is a place to upload any documents ahead of time and list out any main topics you want to discuss (optional).
You'll receive an email reminder ahead of your call time, simply click the button in that email to access the call interface.